Briarfield Officers:
President: Matt Scheller
Vice President: Mau Arellano
Secretary: Ray Glemser
Treasurer: Alan Abels
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Ken Sinclair
IT Coordinator: Casey Atkins
Events Coordinator: Brian McAuley
Alpha Mentor: Matt Scheller
Rush Mentor: Jay Crosby
New Member Educator Mentor: Mike Bearmore
Member Educator Mentor: David Long
Risk Manager Mentor: David Wachs
Web Master and Active Website Mentor: Casey Atkins
Alumni Relations Mentor- Barry Kraver
Accreditation Mentor Brad Parkes & Prof. Ken Sinclair
Andy Hutnikoff
Dave Emery
Chip Schwarzbach
David Long
Patrick Lee
Barry Kraver
Mau Arellano
Andrew Basso
Ray Glemser
Alan Abels
Matt Scheller
Jay Crosby
Trustee Emeritus:
Prof. Ken Sinclair
Ned Spitzig
Ardie Emery
Aarne Vesilind
Web links:
Lehigh’s Fraternity and Sorority Affairs